引用本文: 龙梦云,罗仕兰,鄢晓丽,崔念奇,田梦莹.基于瑞士奶酪模型在老年病人跌倒预防管理中的应用[J].护理研究,2018,32(7):1053-1056
摘要: [目的]观察基于瑞士奶酪模型的管理模式在老年病人跌倒预防中的应用效果,进一步探索老年病人跌倒预防的管理模式。[方法]将2016年7月1日—2016年12月31日在我科接受住院治疗的老年病人386例纳入对照组,给予老年科跌倒标准预防管理模式;2017年1月1日—2017年5月31日收治入院的老年病人397例纳入观察组,实施瑞士奶酪模型跌倒预防管理模式。比较两组在不同跌倒预防管理模式下的跌倒发生率、护士跌倒措施落实情况、病人出院时的满意度。[结果]观察组发生跌倒0例,对照组发生跌倒2例,两组跌倒发生率差异无统计学意义(P=0.244);观察组护士跌倒措施落实情况各方面均显著好于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组病人对护理服务满意度高于对照组病人,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]将瑞士奶酪模型应用于老年科跌倒预防的管理模式中,可有效提高护士跌倒预防措施落实情况。
关键词: 瑞士奶酪模型;老年病人;跌倒;预防;管理模式;护理安全
作者简介: 龙梦云,护士,硕士研究生在读,单位:400010,重庆医科大学附属第二医院(重庆医科大学第二临床学院);罗仕兰(通讯作者)、崔念奇、田梦莹单位:400010,重庆医科大学附属第二医院;鄢晓丽单位:400016,重庆医科大学第一医院。
课题: 2015年重庆市卫计委医学科研项目,编号:2015MSXM025。
Application of Swiss cheese model in fall prevention management for elderly patients
Long Mengyun,Luo Shilan,Yan Xiaoli,et al
Abstract Objective:To observe the application effect of management model based on Swiss cheese model in fall prevention of of elderly patients,and to further explore the fall management model used in the elderly patients.Methods:A total of 386 elderly patients admitted in our department from July 1 to December 31,2016 were included in the control group.which was given standard fall prevention management.A total of 397 elderly patients admitted between January 1 and May 31,2017,were included in the experiment group.They were given the Swiss cheese model of fall prevention management.The incidence of fall,the implementation of the nurses’fall measures,and the satisfaction of patients when they discharged from the hospital were compared between the two groups.Results:Fall occurred in 0 case in the experimental group and 2 cases in the control group.There was no statistical difference between the two groups(P=0.244).After using the Swiss cheese model,the implementation of nurses’fall measures was significantly better than that in the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).The patients in the experimental group were more satisfied with the nursing service than that in the control group,and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusions:The application of Swiss cheese model in geriatric fall prevention management model could effectively improve the implementation of fall prevention measures.
Keywords Swiss cheese model;elderly patients;fall;prevention;management model;nursing safety
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