引用本文: 陈佳佳,童莺歌,黎晓艳,陈易,柴玲.我国三级甲等医院护士疼痛护理实践现状及影响因素[J].护理研究,2017,31(33):4193-4198
摘要: [目的]了解我国三级甲等医院护士疼痛护理实践现状及其影响因素,为提高临床疼痛护理实践提供参考和借鉴。[方法]采用自制的疼痛护理实践问卷对三级甲等医院的140名护士进行调查。[结果]护士疼痛护理实践总分为48.03分±10.38分,总体条目均分为4.00分±0.87分,其中条目“向病人宣教非药物镇痛措施”得分最低,条目“评估病人的疼痛部位”得分最高;不同经济带、科室、工作岗位护士的得分比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);实施疼痛护理的时间不足、镇痛治疗知识不足和医生不够关注疼痛管理是护士实施疼痛护理的主要障碍因素。[结论]护士疼痛护理实践水平亟待提高,医疗机构需对护士进行疼痛护理知识和技能的培训,促进护士的知识和技能向实践转变。
关键词: 疼痛护理;护理实践;影响因素;三级医院
作者简介: 陈佳佳,研究生在读,单位:310036,杭州师范大学医学院;童莺歌(通讯作者)、柴玲单位:310036,杭州师范大学医学院;黎晓艳单位:323000,丽水学院医学与健康学院;陈易单位:614000,乐山职业技术学院。
课题: 浙江省自然科学基金项目,编号:LY17G030026。
Status quo and influencing factors of pain nursing practice among nurses in third grade A hospitals in China
Chen Jiajia,Tong Yingge,Li Xiaoyan,et al
Abstract Objective:To understand the status quo and influencing factors of pain nursing practice in third grade A hospitals in China,so as to provide references for improving clinical practice of pain nursing.Methods:A total of 140 nurses from third grade A hospitals in China were investigated with the selfdesigned questionnaire of pain nursing practice.Results:The total score of pain nursing practice was 48.03±10.38,and the average score of overall items was 4.00±0.87, in which the item“patient education,non drug analgesia”scored the lowest,and the item“assessed the pain site”scored the highest.The scores of nurses in different economic zones,departments and jobs were significantly different(P<0.05).The lack of time for pain nursing,inadequate knowledge of pain management and lack of attention to pain management were the main barriers to the implementation of pain nursing in nurses.Conclusions:The level of pain nursing practice needed to be improved urgently.Medical institutions needed to train nurses on the knowledge and skills of pain nursing so as to promote the knowledge and skills of nurses transforming to practice.
Keywords pain nursing;nursing practice;influencing factors;third grade A hospitals
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