
2024年10月, 38卷20期

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引用本文: 乔欣然,詹艳,崔荣,李龙倜.简化版Piper疲劳量表的汉化及信效度检验[J].护理研究,2024,38(20):3603-3608

摘要: 目的: 将简化版Piper疲劳量表(the Piper Fatigue Scale⁃12,PFS⁃12)进行汉化并检验其信效度。 方法: 经原量表作者授权后,遵循Brislin量表翻译原则对PFS⁃12进行汉化形成中文版PFS⁃12。选取2023年4月—10月十堰市某三级甲等医院血液净化中心的415例血液透析病人进行调查,评价中文版PFS⁃12的信效度。 结果: 中文版PFS⁃12包括4个维度,共12个条目。总量表的Cronbach's α系数为0.935,分半信度为0.904,重测信度为0.973。中文版PFS⁃12的量表水平的内容效度指数(S⁃CVI)为0.93,条目水平的内容效度指数(I⁃CVI)为0.82~1.00。中文版PFS⁃12各维度得分及总分与中文修订版Piper疲劳量表(RPFS)总分的相关系数为0.736~0.961(<0.01)。探索性因子分析共提取4个因子,累计方差贡献率为82.329%;验证性因子分析结果显示模型拟合指标良好。 结论: 中文版PFS⁃12具有良好的信效度,可用于我国血液透析病人疲劳状况的评估。

关键词: 疲劳;血液透析;信度;效度;测评工具

课题: 湖北省卫生健康委员会卫生健康科研立项项目(WJ2021M050)

Chinese version of the Piper Fatigue Scale⁃12 and its reliability and validity test

QIAO Xinran,ZHAN Yan,CUI Rong,LI Longti

Abstract Objective: To translate the Piper Fatigue Scale⁃12(PFS⁃12) into Chinese,and to test its reliability and validity. Methods: Authorized by the author of the original scale,the PFS⁃12 was translated into Chinese version of PFS⁃12 according to the Brislin scale translation principle.A total of 415 hemodialysis patients in the blood purification center of a tertiary grade A hospital in Shiyan city from April to October 2023 were selected by convenience sampling method to test the reliability and validity. Results: The Chinese version of PFS⁃12 included 4 dimensions and 12 items.The Cronbach's α coefficient of the total volume table was 0.935,the split half reliability was 0.904,and the retest reliability was 0.973.The scale⁃level content validity index(S⁃CVI) of the Chinese version PFS⁃12 was 0.93.The item‐level content validity index(I⁃CVI) ranged from 0.82 to 1.00.The correlation coefficients between the scores of PFS⁃12 and Revised Piper Fatigue Scale(RPFS) ranged from 0.736 to 0.961(<0.01).Exploratory factor analysis extracted 4 common factors,and the cumulative contribution rate of variance was 82.329%.Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model fit well. Conclusions: The Chinese version of PFS⁃12 has good reliability and validity,and it can be used to evaluate the fatigue status of hemodialysis patients in China.

Keywords fatigue;hemodialysis;reliability;validity;evaluation tool
